How to Get Tax Identification Number in Nigeria (TIN)

How to Get Tax Identification Number in Nigeria (TIN)

Are you struggling to access government loans and grants to grow your small business or unable to withdraw your earnings? Following government regulations is crucial for securing your business’s future. You can easily obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN) from the Joint Tax Board website using your mobile device.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to get a TIN online in Nigeria. This information will be particularly helpful if you’re facing challenges with grants or verifying your tax information on Upwork.

Do Nigerians Need TINs?

In Nigeria, you need a TIN if you run a business or provide services. Being a business owner usually requires a taxpayer ID. To prevent being overcharged or having a large portion of your salary withheld, that is the rational.

Small business in Nigeria register with the non-individual sector. Your TIN is your identification and it enables the government accurately identify what and how you operate. It also grants you access to business bank accounts, government loans, and other perks.

What Documents Are Required for TIN Registration in Nigeria?

You will require the following, as a business owner, before beginning your TIN registration:

  2. CAC certificate

The Corporate Affairs Commission certificate is useful to find out the registration number, active email address, and start date of business.
All that is needed in the proper manner if you are registering as an individual is as follows:

  1. E-mail address
  2. BVN number

Online Tax Identification Number Generation (TIN)

Your TIN is managed in Nigeria by the Joint Tax Board (JTB) and the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). Their responsibility is managing your company TIN, business registration, or individual registration. This method requires your NIN or BVN number. The process of obtaining a tax identification number online in Nigeria will be thoroughly explained to you.

How to Get an Individual Tax Identification Number Online

For someone who works and gets paid on global marketplaces like Upwork, tax payment is required. The VAT costs are paid by this platform in compliance with national laws. If you do not have a Tax Identification Number, you run the danger of having more withheld from your pay.

How to Get Tax ID Number for Individual (Personal)

  1. Visit the TIN registration website.
  2. Click the individual when you get there to begin filling out your TIN request form.
  3. You are supposed to enter information like your name, date of birth, and BVN; a validation screen appears to verify that the information is entered accurately
  4. Next is the form page, where you attach your passport and any other information that your database did not automatically fill in.
  5. Submit the form and remember the reference number, it is useful while making a complaint.

How to Get an Online Tax ID Number for Non-Individual (Businesses)

Depending just on your CAC accreditation as a business owner does not completely protect your company. Tax Identification Numbers are required to keep federal laws protecting your company. This is how you register for your non-individual TIN:

  1. Visit the JTB website at and log in.
    To make a TIN request for your business, click the Non-Individual option on the list.
  2. Choose the kind of organisation you work for before beginning to fill out the form.
  3. Enter the Business name number and company name exactly as they are shown on your CAC certificate.
    Other information shows up automatically, and you finish what’s left.
    Your request ID is notified to you after the TIN request form is submitted successfully.

Getting a TIN number online is easiest done by visiting the JTB website

How Long Does a Nigerian TIN Number takes?

Three weeks or fewer are usually required after completing your request form successfully to receive your taxpayer ID. Should delays run longer than this, do send a reminder by emailing [email protected].

If this is an individual request, your request ID and business name or your name must be included.

How much does a TIN number cost in Nigeria?

A tax identification number can be registered for at no cost. You should assume that you need a robust network connection because the registration procedure is completely free. This will help you avert potential problems with your registration.

The registration procedure is really easy to finish on your own. Only after you start involving a third party do registration costs apply.

How to Retrieve Your Tax identification Number (TIN)

In case of loss your TIN, you can still retrieve your TIN online at or, the JTB website. It is very simple to retrieve; all you need on any of the websites is your date of birth or CAC registration number. This procedure is similar for everyone in the nation and depends on the original registration method.

How To Check Your TIN Online?

Either of the following will allow you to confirm your Tax Identification Number:

  1. The PDF delivered to your email address upon registration process confirmation
  2. The TIN verification search panel

Your information will show up in this manner:

Name of the tax payer; date of issue; tax authority; address

A printed copy is a good idea in case you ever need to provide your TIN evidence to establish a bank account or anyplace else.


Preventing is better than curing is a powerful life motto that greatly influences how well your company or skill set functions overall. Therefore, setting aside at least five minutes to complete the TIN application form and receive a taxpayer ID will prevent you from overspending when potential issues crop up.