How to Find a Home in Canada as an Immigrant

Home in Canada

When you just move to a new place or country, finding a home to stay should be your number one priority and this is because finding a home helps in how you adapt and settle in the environment. It is not always easy finding an accommodation especially as a fresher in Canada but when you find one, you will feel more comfortable and settled down peacefully and relaxed.


Canada is a wonderful country to live in and a lot of immigrants can attest to that and the country is also among the most welcoming countries in the world. So it will be easy for you to settle in and get used to the country.

The cost of accommodation is lesser when compared to some other countries of the world and you can even decide to buy a home in Canada. Buying a home in Canada will even help to increase your chances of gaining permanent residency in Canada.

Buying your own house in Canada is not really easy as you will have to go through some processes and if you don’t have an employment, it can be more difficult. But that’s why we are actually here; we will show you how you can buy your own house in Canada with ease.

Having a comfortable home in Canada will help you enjoy life in Canada but you should know that the cost of houses in Canada depend on the province and city. The cost of houses in Ontario will be higher those cost of houses in Prince Edward Island and this is influenced by so many factors like busyness, commercialization, population etc.


How Do You Rent An Apartment In Canada

Renting an apartment in Canada will depend on how many people will be living in the apartment. If your family members will be joining you in Canada, then you would know you need a spacious apartment like 2-3 bedroom apartment. But if it’s just you that’s moving to Canada, then you might just need a single-room apartment.

This is more like the first thing you do when you arrive Canada as a new immigrant and it is much easier and cheaper than buying a house in your first year in Canada. Before you choose an apartment, you should read reviews on apartment review sites before deciding to visit the house. Some of the rental review sites are:

  • 247 apartments
  • Should you rent?
  • Rent it or not

You will have to consider a lot of options and factors when trying to rent an apartment: comfort, cost, security and others. Whether you are renting an expensive apartment or less expensive, you will need to have a budget and this is where your savings comes in. This is what is going to sustain you till you get your first pay that is if you already have a job in Canada and if you don’t have a job yet, your savings will act as succor till you land a job and get your first pay so you might consider renting a simple place for the first few months in Canada till you start earning.

You will have to explore the rental options in Canada as this will help you decide your preference, size and relate it to your budget. You can look at the Canadian Housing Market as you will find rental options with reasonable prices to match what you want.

Like we mentioned earlier that the cost of houses in Canada differs in provinces and cities and every province in Canada has different laws for renting houses and also criteria on what the landlords of the houses are responsible for.

Normally, the landlord is in charge of keeping the building safe and in good condition and also must provide you with all that is included in your rent depending on the agreement. The landlord is also charged with the duty of explaining relevant laws of the province or territory you are living to you and also to provide you with the contact information of rental authorities.

You are expected to pay your rent in full and also on time. Do well to inform the landlord if anything in the apartment needs to be fixed or repaired.

After checking the reviews for the houses that meet your preference, you can contact the landlord as you will be required to present documents to either your landlord or the rental company that helped you find the accommodation. These documents are requirements for you to rent the apartment and they are:

  • List of references
  • Insurance deposit
  • Proof of a valid job contract
  • 3-months rent upfront (not all rental options)
  • Letter of accommodation
  • Proof of Canadian credit history and score or monthly income

How To Buy A House In Canada

If you don’t want to rent a house in Canada, you can look into the buying option and that is if you have the finance to buy a property. There are some benefits you get from buying a house although it might be expensive than renting, the house is yours so you can do what you want with it.

If you want to buy a house, it is very important that you hire a realtor to help you get a house within your budget as they are experts that will guide you in making the right decision about what type of house to buy that match your needs and also the best place to buy a house. They are also good at negotiating prices which means that they can help you with negotiating price of houses to get you the best house at the best price.

You can visit the Canadian Real Estate Association’s website to find a realtor or you can look at For Sale Signs that displays the agent and their credentials. Getting a realtor will help you purchase your dream house at an affordable price.

You will also need a lawyer that will help you transfer the property to your name.

Final Note

It is not easy to find the best place to live in Canada as the cost of houses differ in the provinces and regions in Canada but you should know that the housing system in Canada is affordable regardless of the province.

Whichever option you want, renting or buying, living is Canada is going to interesting as it is seen as one of the most welcoming countries in the world and so it is a great place to live in.

There are also a lot of job opportunities for you here in Canada and to add that you get to earn higher salaries and wages compared to some other countries of the world which means that with time, you can save up enough money to buy yourself a comfortable apartment in  Canada.

So if you have not started your application of moving to Canada, you will have to start now so that you can be on your way to Canada to start a new life

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