How to Add a Driver to My Car Insurance Policy

How to Add a Driver to My Car Insurance Policy

Have you considered adding a licensed driver who has access to your household vehicles regularly to your car insurance policy? Well, it is advisable to add them to your policy to ensure you are protected financially in case of an accident.

Adding a licensed driver to your policy makes sure the insurers pay for any claims or accidents people driving your car get into. Fortunately, this is a very easy and simple process. In this article is everything you need to know on how to add a driver to a car insurance policy.

When to Add a Driver to Your Car Insurance Policy

Just as I have mentioned above, you should consider adding a licensed individual who has access to your vehicle and lives in your home to your auto policy. For instance;

  • Your teenager has a learner’s permit and will be driving your car under supervision.
  • You’ve just gotten married and want to include your spouse.
  • You’re living with your partner and sharing a vehicle.
  • Your adult child has returned home and will be driving your car.
  • A parent or relative moves in and will be using your car.
  • You and your roommate share a car.

If you’re uncertain, consult your independent agent or insurance provider for advice. Always keep in mind that, if you don’t add these people to your policy, you may not be covered for any accidents they are involved in with your car. You can also include other people like health care workers, housekeepers, and childcare workers. You can then remove them later, when their employment term ends.

How to Add a Driver to Your Car Insurance

This is quite a simple and easy process. According to research, most major car insurance companies allow you to add a driver to your policy through their website, mobile app, or by calling an insurance agent. To make the process smoother, gather the following details about the new driver:

  • Legal name
  • Birth date
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Occupation
  • Social Security number
  • Address (if different from yours)
  • Driving history (license duration, accidents, traffic violations)
  • Driver’s license number
  • SR-22 financial responsibility certificate (if needed)
  • Information for discounts (defensive driving course, GPA)
  • Vehicle details (make, model, year, VIN) if sharing a policy for multiple cars

After providing this information, the insurance company will help in adjusting your policy. You’ll receive an approval notice and an updated policy, which may also include a change in premium costs. Once approved, the new driver will be covered by the policy and can start driving your car. After the adding process is done, it is advisable that you speak with your insurance agent to know about the discounts that you can get.

Does Adding a Driver Affect Auto Insurance Costs?

You need to know that adding drivers to your policy can impact your insurance premium. For instance, adding a teenage or newly licensed driver often leads to higher insurance costs. And the reason is that, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, teens aged 15 to 19 have the highest rate of car accidents in the United States.

Your independent agents can help guide you on potential savings and the implications of adding a driver. They will help you make the best insurance decision for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do all companies let you add a driver to your insurance policy?

Most insurance companies, especially the big and large ones, allow you to add another driver to your existing policy. If you’re with a smaller insurer, check with your insurance agent to see if it offers this coverage.

Does the added driver’s driving record affect your insurance?

The driving record of the added driver won’t typically affect your coverage; it can only impact your premium costs. Insurers might recommend adjusting your policy based on the new driver’s history. For instance, if the new driver is inexperienced or has a poor driving record, increasing your coverage could be the right option.

Can you add a driver to your insurance at any time?

Just as said above, you can easily add a licensed driver to your policy at any time of your choice. However, for teen drivers, you might have to wait until they get their full license. Your insurance agent can help at the best time to add other people to your coverage.

Do you need to add everyone in your household to your policy?

Insurers typically require you to list all licensed drivers in your household on your car insurance policy. However, if someone in your household doesn’t drive your vehicle, you can just list them as an excluded driver. This can help keep your premiums lower if the excluded person has a poor driving record or is inexperienced.